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The Team

Creative curriculum

Welcome To The Band

Roseville Public School is renowned for having an excellent Band Program with a 30+ year history.  Band provides students with a space to grow physically and mentally, in a fun and supportive environment. Learning a musical instrument can lead to many opportunities down the track, such as scholarships to high school, international band tours, performing in state and national events, as well as being able to carry their skills right into adulthood. With many schools across the country moving towards making music a mandatory activity for students entering high school, starting an instrument in primary school may give your child a distinct advantage once they reach high school.
The RPS Band Program is open to any student in Years 3 – 6 and demonstrates what can be achieved when students, parents, and educators work together to achieve excellence. Without the support of everyone the program and the opportunities for students would simply not exist.

The Band Committee

The Roseville PS Band Committee runs the Band Program. It is a sub-committee of the P&C comprising of parent volunteers, P&C representatives, School representatives, and paid contractors. The Band Committee holds a General Meeting once a term, usually on a Thursday night in Week 2.

The Band Committee’s role is to plan and facilitate all band activities in collaboration with the Band Director and Conductors. The musical and educational side of the program is left to the discretion of the Band Director and Conductors.

The Committee members include: Band Convenor, Administrative Assistant, Band Director, Treasurer, P&C Representative, School Representative, Band Coordinators, and various other special events coordinators (e.g. Band Camp Coordinator, Musicale Coordinator). Committee positions are elected annually under the guidance of the P&C Executive.

In addition to the above positions, the committee needs new parents to become involved in the running of the band program so that it can continue to offer great musical opportunities for the students. You do not need to have any musical experience to help with coordinating and running the bands. Any help you can give, no matter how small, is vital to the success of the day to day running of the program – whether it be arranging rosters, supervising rehearsals, organising music folders, photocopying music, transporting instruments/equipment, assisting with special events (Camp, Musicale, Fete), designing flyers and posters, putting together newsletters for the school bulletin, or just being on hand to help out!

Band Coordinators

A Band Coordinator is the Conductor’s “Right Hand Man”. They are usually the first point of contact for the parents and conductor of their band. They are responsible for managing the logistics of their band – which includes sending emails out to their band parents, organising parent supervision rosters, creating and updating the band roll and parent contact information, organising band folders, and crowd control! Each Concert Band requires 2-3 Band Coordinators, and each Extension Ensemble requires 1 Band Coordinator. This is a great way to get involved, and no musical experience or knowledge is required.

Conductors and Tutors

The P&C, Band Committee, and School are dedicated to providing our students with the best and most qualified Conductors and Tutors possible. All Conductors and Tutors that work at our school have been vetted to comply with our strict hiring policy, including an extensive CV, current Working With Children’s Check (WWCC), Public Liability Insurance, and First Aid Training. 

All Band parents receive information regarding our Conductors and Tutors at the beginning of the school year. 


The Band Committee communicates with band parents mostly via email (through the My School Music system), and the school Bulletin. Please ensure that you provide your band coordinator with your current email address and that you check it regularly for Band communications. Contact information for the Committee can be found in the “Contact Us” section of this handbook. 

Please also make sure that all your contact information (mobile number, email) is up to date. We need to have a working mobile number for all parents in case of emergencies. If your child has any relevant medical conditions, you must inform us – do not assume that the school will inform us on your behalf. 

How You Can Help

The Band Program relies on the collective efforts of all our parents and students. Roseville PS has always had a culture of parents, friends, and grandparents providing valuable contributions to the workings of the school band. As a band parent you will be asked to:

–       Provide the Band with accurate parent/guardian contact information, and relevant student medical information;

–       Be responsible for a rehearsal supervision duty (this is usually once a term or less);

–       Volunteer for performance and event supervision duty;

–       Assist with transporting equipment for external events (such as performances or band camp);

–       Volunteer to assist with fundraising events;

–       Occasionally contribute morning/afternoon tea at various band and music functions at school.

In addition to the above, any time you can offer to help out would make a huge difference to the overall running of the program. Please reach out to your Band Coordinator or the Band Convenor for ideas on how you can help!